RTS Apprenticeships:

Employer FAQS

Employers frequently asked questions about the costs involved, the level of support provided, and the benefits of hiring apprentices, such as enhanced workforce skills and potential financial incentives.

Find the help you need

What is an appreniceship?

Earn money as you learn
Gain a nationally recognised qualification
Gain hands-on experience
Improve your employability
Get qualifited for a particular role
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What are the benefits of hiring an apprentice?

Skilled Workforce Development
Increased Productivity
Government Incentives and Grants
Increased Flexiblity

How long does an apprenticeship typically last?

Apprenticeships can last anywhere from 12 months to 24 months depending on the qualification.
Apprentices with prior relevant experience or qualifications may complete their program faster than those starting without any experience.

What types of apprenticeships are available?

Early Years Practitioner/Educator
Children, Young People and Families Practitioner/Manager
Business Administration
Customer Service Practitioner
Teaching Assistant

How do I recruit an apprentice?

We promote your vacancies on your behalf through the government website and social media platforms.
We have a pool of CVs and post-16 students eagerly awaiting new vacancy opportunities.
If you have an employee ready to upskill, please contact us to enroll them in an apprenticeship program.
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Are there any age restrictions for apprentices?

The minimum age for starting an apprenticeship is typically 16 years old.
There is usually no upper age limit for apprenticeships, making them accessible to individuals at any stage of their career who are looking to gain new skills or change professions.

How do I support and mentor my apprentice?

Regular Check-Ins
Constructive Feedback
Hands-On Experience
Clear Expectations

What happens after the apprentice completes the program?

Many apprentices are offered full-time positions within the company upon successful completion of their program.
Graduates of the apprenticeship program may be considered for advanced roles or higher-level positions, based on their performance and skills.
Opportunities for continued professional development or further training may be offered to help the apprentice advance in their career.

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